Questions and suggestions after applying the new OAsJEM and performing an expert re-evaluation in EGEA

Experts: B Dananché and D Oberson-Geneste, in collaboration with O Dumas, C Quinot, N Le Moual
by E Andersson, H Kromhout, L Lillienberg, V Schlünssen, JP Zock

Improvement of recommendations - expert evaluation by adding some comments

2147: ADD ‘If there is no evidence that this person works regularly with metals; recode as metals=0′

2211: ADD ‘If there is no evidence that this person works regularly with animals (such as working in a bacteriology laboratory); recode as animals=0′

2212: ADD ‘check ISCO job code – If the job described similar tasks as a biologist (job code 2211) code as 2211. If there is clear evidence that this person is non exposed; recode as latex=0; drugs=0; high chem (chemical disinfectants)=0; : Recode drugs= 2 if clear evidence that this worker is preparing drugs; recode drugs=0 if clear evidence of no use of drugs; keep 1 in other cases; recode latex=0 if no use of latex gloves (e.g. > 2000 or < 1975) – take into account time axis, workers were considered exposed between 1975-2000 (especially in operating room; less risk as few powdered gloves after 1995-2000 and no latex gloves before 1975-1980, according to countries)’

2221: ADD ‘check ISCO job code – If the job described similar tasks as a biologist (job code 2211) code as 2211.’

2224: ADD ‘recode latex=0 if no use of latex gloves (e.g. > 2000 or < 1975) – take into account time axis, workers were considered exposed between 1975-2000 (especially in operating room; less risk as few powdered gloves after 1995-2000 and no latex gloves before 1975-1980, according to countries)’

2230: ADD ‘Take into account countries specificities for nurses; recode all agents to 0 if only administrative tasks ; keep latex=2 if evidence of frequent use of latex gloves (for example for midwives and nurses in emergency room, operating room …) ; otherwise recode latex=1

3211: ADD ‘check ISCO job code – If the job described similar tasks as a biologist (job code 2211) code as 2211.’

3231: ADD ‘Take into account countries specificities and time axis for nursing associate professionals; recode all agents to 0 if only administrative tasks ; keep latex=2 if evidence of frequent use of latex gloves (for example for midwives and nurses in emergency room, operating room …) ; otherwise recode latex=1′

7123: ADD ‘check ISCO job code – If the job described similar tasks as a painter (job code 7141) code as 7141.’

7129: ADD ‘check ISCO job code’

7412: ADD ‘If only doing pastry tasks, recode flour=1 & keep enzyme=1’

FAQ 'Frequently Asked Questions'

2211 ‘Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related professionals’ and 3211 ‘Life science technicians’


Why ‘solvent=1‘ for job codes 3211 whereas ‘solvent=0’ for 2211?


It is more likely that technicians (group 3) do more practical tasks involving such exposures than higher skill level of group 2 (professionals).

7222 ‘Tool-makers and related workers’, 7233 ‘Machine-tool setters and setter-operators’, 8211 ‘Machine-tool operators’


Why ‘fungicides=1‘ for job code 8211 (metal=1 ; metal working=2 ; fungicides=1) whereas ‘fungicides=0’ for both 7222 (aliphatic ami=1 ; metal=2 ; metal working=2 ; organic solve=1 ) and 7223 (aliphatic ami=2 ;metal=1 ;metal working=2; organic solve=1)


This difference was due to the higher skill level in major group 7 with less routine exposure as compared to group 8 (machine operators). The exposure to fungicides was related to biocides in metal working fluids. The 8211 group is continuously working with metal working machines (lathes, stamping presses, boring, etc.) while the other two groups are much less frequently exposed or not at all. Remember that we are trying to be as specific as possible to prevent too many non-exposed being assigned an exposure.

8211 ‘Machine-tool operators’


Could you please clarify the expression ‘making metal’ in the recommendation sentence: ‘if clear evidence that the person’s job involves making metal recode metal=2′


‘Making metal’ was directly involved in producing and/or treating metal objects.

8221 ‘Pharmaceutical- and toiletry-products machine operators’


Why put ‘Enzymes =2when daily use of drugs? Enzymes are contained in how many % of the drugs? Could you give examples of drugs with enzymes (drugs used to promote digestion? …)


‘Using drugs’ should be replace by ‘producing drugs’. Enzymes are increasingly used in e.g. drugs used for treatment of cardiovascular diseases, celiac disease, Parkinson’s disease, inflammation, digestive disorders, pancreatic disorders etc.

9131 ‘Domestic helpers and cleaners’ & 9132 ‘Helpers and cleaners in offices, hotels and other establishments’


Why ‘solvent=0‘ for 9131 and ‘solvent=1‘ for 9132?


Use of solvent-based products is less likely in the domestic than in other professional settings.

9333 ‘Freight handlers’


Why put insecticide=1 by default?


Because of gassing sea containers with pesticides.